Sunday, August 24, 2008

INTANGIBLE: Recent Photographs from 9 Women

Here is a show that I curated for the University Center Rochester gallery.

INTANGIBLE: Recent Photographs from 9 Women
Amy Aaron
Kate Anderson
Rachel Droppers
Ellen Fitzgerald
Teri Fullerton
Noelle McCleaf
Desiree Olson
Leslie Ostrander
Erika Ritzel

September 15 - Oct 24, 2008
RECEPTION: Sept 17th, 6:30-8:30
Artist Talk at 7:00
GALLERY HOURS: Monday - Thursday from 10am-9pm


I just finished a mural in Hutchinson, MN for a new restaurant called Zella's. It opens in October and based on some samplings I had - it promises to be a great place to eat. The mural is about 7 x 11 ft - they are still under construction, soon it will have base-boards and sides of wood.

Friday, August 08, 2008

Summer Blues

I have 2 works in this show.

Summer Blues
July 31st - August 24th, 2008

ART GOTHAM is pleased to present Summer Blues, a group exhibition of abstract art by six artists to be held Thursday, July 31st until August 24th, 2008. The participating artists are as follows: Juliette Conroy, Kimberly Dawn, Laura R. Gadson, Bethany Kalk, Xanda McCagg, and Stanley Philoche.

stains on pavement

from a construction site in duluth...think i'll try some more paintings like this.

murals in duluth

I've just spend a little over a week in Duluth painting murals. They are at a new video game and tournament place called BragGameRights. I don't play video games but soon learned to paint characters and scenes from halo, grand theft auto, bio shock, harvest moon, katamari damaci, and mario cart. Being over 100 ft long and 10-18 ft walls, I was glad to have Mandy and Nathan help for day and a 1/2. I did the retail section - the crew of broken crow and friends (jon grider, mike fitzsimmons, drew peterson, isaac arvold and eric inkala) did the outer rim of the interior.